Companies and Activities

ANFRENA SARL, Agencia Nacional de Frete e Navegação

During socialist days, Anfrena E.E. was the state owned monopoly company in shipping agency, freight forwarding, and transit warehousing with office and warehousing infrastructure in all ports and frontier posts with a work force of over 500. By late eighties, due to civil war and national isolation, the company had come to virtual standstill with a heavy salary burden on the state. Mozambique Holdings Ltd acquired controlling interest in Anfrena through a public tender.

Today Anfrena has 100.000 square meters of upgraded transit warehousing facilities in major ports of Maputo, Beira, Nacala and Pemba. To take advantage of the national network, we took over the cross frontier road tax collection on behalf of the Government and contribute nearly USD 15 million to the exchequer. Anfrena is expanding into toll road construction and maintenance, and port infrastructure development.

Africa Drilling Company, Afrodrill Limited

Potable water facilities were available to only 24% of population in early nineties. Water resources development companies with adequate expertise and equipments capable of operating in rural areas to implement the government policies were few. We invested in acquiring appropriate technology and adequate expertise to form Afrodill, with the intention of creating and developing water sources in rural Mozambique.

Today Afrodill is represented in all provinces of Mozambique with installations, equipments, spares and technical assistance. With 14 independent drilling teams, Afrodrill executes over 60 percent of the Government's rural potable water resources development plan..

Afrodrill is expanding into development of water systems for larger villages and small towns, as well as irrigation to take advantage of the consolidation in rural population and increasing commercial agricultural activity. We hope to double the present annual business turnover of USD 15 million in the next three years.

Fabrica de Uniformes Militares, (Faumil) Limited

In the early ninetees, all uniforms and software for the Armed Forces, Police etc., were imported with the inherent problems of mismatches in sizes, quality and deliveries. Faumil was created in 1997 as a joint venture with the Ministry of Defence to produce uniforms and logistics items domestically. Today Faumil is one of the best run industrial units in Mozambique with 480 well trained and dedicated staff and is an essential component of Government’s planning and budgeting exercise for defence forces.

The success of Faumil encouraged Ministry of Interior to create a joint venture factory for the logistics requirements of Police Force including Customs and Immigration. Industria Nacional de Uniformes Policiais (Inupol) Limited has helped to apply most effectively the limited budgetary resources of the Government and provides employment to over 300 Mozambicans.

Transport and Automobile Division

To take advantage of the infrastructure and national presence of Romoc E.E. and Emocat E.E. we took up automobile servicing and distribution and represent prestigious brands like Mahindra, Ashok Leyland etc. We have also created a national cargo carrying fleet to support primarily our own logistics requirements all over the country.

Construction and Toll Road Division

Mozambique Holdings Limited has been granted toll concessions for the 320Km road linking Malawi and Zimbabwe through the Tete Province of Mozambique. Tete Province is the major mining and mineral area of Mozambique rich in coal, iron, gold and granite. Major hydro-electric projects of Cahora Bassa and Panda Nkua are also in Tete. Mozambique Holdings Limited has promoted a new company Companhia de Estradas do Norte S.A. (The Northern Roads Company) in partnership with the Road Authority of Mozambique and the Road Fund of Mozambique, which is responsible for constructing and maintaining a new bridge over the River Zambezi in Tete.

Maputo Petroleum Terminal Project

Mozambique Holdings Limited was associated with the Indian Oil Corporation of India to reconstruct and upgrade the petroleum terminal of Maputo Port to an annual capacity of 10 million tonnes with an investment of USD 12 million and a long term maintenance and management perspective. This will recommence supply lines to Northern South Africa closed due to civil war and apartheid for 20 years. Northern South Africa is only 100km from Maputo in comparison to the 800km link to Durban which is the current port link.

Minerals and Mining Division

Mozambique has vast unexplored mineral resources in coal, natural gas, iron ore, tantalite, gold, graphite, marble, limestone, phosphates etc. We own mining concessions for coal in Mutrara, Tete, for gold in Manica and Tete and phosphates in Monapo, Nampula.

We have acquired core drilling equipments and a mobile laboratory with adequate expertise to conduct detailed mining surveys. Initial indications are very positive and under favourable conditions, the mining activity is expected to increase exponentially our current group net worth of USD 50 million and annual turnover of USD 80 million.